The Development Control Plan (DCP) is a framework for the expansion and renewal of University Hospital Galway (UHG) facilities and infrastructure over the short and medium term future and, more generally, for the longer term. The DCP aims to create a functionally coherent facility that aligns physical resources with anticipated operational needs and medical technology, and current standards of accommodation.

It is a plan which would demonstrate how UHG might be developed on the existing Hospital site. The DCP sets out the development zones for each clinical or support function within an infrastructural matrix to enable a process of progressive development of the Hospital.

The DCP Overlay has sought to balance several competing demands:

  • Accommodating the development components identified in the Phase 3 Schedule in an appropriate location with minimal enabling works
  • Achieving good functional relationships between new accommodation and the existing Hospital buildings
  • Taking account of likely future developments and replacement accommodation
  • Making best use of the site available
  • Responding to the Hospital’s priorities
  • Minimizing the need for temporary accommodation and multiple decanting moves
  • Ensuring adequate car parking, including a new multi-storey car park
  • Ensuring practical and efficient vehicular circulation, to enable food and supplies to be delivered to the hospital and waste removed in segregated routes
  • Ensuring practical construction packages which minimise disruption to ongoing hospital operations