Beaumont Hospital (BH) is a general acute teaching hospital serving a local catchment of 290,000 persons in North Dublin. It is a regional provider of Ear, Nose and Throat services, and Gastroenterology, and a Designated Cancer Centre providing radiation oncology and specialist services for breast cancer and rectal cancer. The hospital is the major teaching site for the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).

A comprehensive Outline Development Control Plan (ODCP) for BH was completed in 2008. It drew on the Beaumont Hospital Strategic Plan 2006-10 and reflected the environment in 2007-08. The current planning context and changes in functional and technical requirements have necessitated a revision of the 2008 ODCP.

An ODCP is a long-term plan designed to provide adequate spatial and technical resources to allow a hospital to fulfil its role and obligations in patient care, professional education and research.  The subject matter of the Updated ODCP is broadly concerned with:

  • The use of land
  • Site elements such as roads, parking and means of access
  • Functional space
  • Engineering infrastructure
  • Capital