The Outline Development Control Plan (ODCP) is a proposal for the comprehensive renewal of the physical resources of Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital (OLCH). It addresses the use of land, space, and engineering infrastructure.  It is a statement about function, architectural potential and technical and financial matters. Above all it places a roof over the strategic intentions of OLCH for the medium and long-term future. The Plan therefore:

–    Describes a spatial configuration consistent with the hospital goals and priorities

–    Shows how this configuration can be realised through a sequence of decanting, demolition and new construction

–    Provides an estimate of the cost and time required

–    Provides a framework for accommodating change

It is a plan which would demonstrate how OLCH might be developed on the existing Hospital site. The ODCP sets out the development zones for each clinical or support function within an infrastructural matrix to enable a process of progressive development of the Hospital.